Introduction The 10 year anniversary of auto-enrolment in the UK is a key milestone for the Government’s flagship pension initiative.1 Over 10 million people have been auto-enrolled and are benefiting from employer pension contributions.2 To mark a decade of auto-enrolment in the UK, we set out to explore its impact in a landmark study looking at how it has affected attitudes to saving. The result is a detailed white paper, authored by academics at the University of Edinburgh. The purpose of this guide is to cover off the key findings from the University of Edinburgh’s white paper – and to provide recommendations for government, industry and workplaces on how to enhance auto-enrolment in the future. If your personal circumstances mean you need any additional support, or if you’d like a large print, Braille or audio CD version, you can contact us at: We’re always here to help – if you need some additional support, please let us know. 4 A decade of auto-enrolment: has it helped or hindered saving psychology?