A decade of auto-enrolment: Has it helped or hindered saving psychology?

are confident that they will have saved enough for retirement Women (52%) and 35–54 year olds (53%) are most worried about this 52% 47% are worried that they won’t have enough money when they retire Financial confidence • Higher for those aged 18-34 years old – 62% • Women are less confident than men – 45% vs 58% • Those who have a financial adviser are more confident • 81% who have an adviser said they are confident they will have enough set aside for retirement compared to 44% who have not had financial advice Overall, it seems that for many people, being automatically enrolled in a pension hasn’t had a significant impact on their thinking about and planning for the future. For some, it might actually delay thinking about the future if they believe that by being auto-enrolled their pension has been taken care of and is one less thing to think about. A decade of auto-enrolment: has it helped or hindered saving psychology? 19